About Us
Exploring started out in the early 1900's as Senior Scouts of the BSA Program. In 1942 An Air Scout program for boys 15 and older was created in cooperation with the United States Army Air Corps. Some 15 years later, in 1959 a new organization separate from the Boy Scouts was created for schools that centered on Career Education, and a new division called Exploring took off. From the 1970's-1980's several Military Explorer Units started up with training Military Education skills. Some of those units still exist today. Today Military Explorers is part of the Exploring Division, a Career Education Training Program. Exploring Units are not a Recruiting organization for the U.S. Military, or are they a disciplinary (or Quasi-Military) training entity. All units are led by U.S. Military Veterans or Retirees, and in many cases current members of the Guard or Reserve, and Retired Veterans serve as Instructors. Today all current authorized "Learning for Life, Exploring Division" (an Affiliate Corporation of BSA) fall under the umbrella of the Department of the U.S. Military Explorers, with current unit leaders vetted and certified completion of their their Youth Protection Training Courses as required by BSA.
The Vision for our U.S. Military Explorers Career Training Program is based upon years of military experience, training, and confidence facing their abilities as a youth progresses on to a young adult looking at a Military Career.
Helping them build up their experience weaving confidence with character, Military Exploring officers and enlisted personnel are the cutting edge of American Youth today. They are our nations' warriors of tomorrow. There are six pillars of our U.S. Miltary Explorer Vision.
The mission of the U.S. Military Explorers is to train, develop, and inspire tomorrow's Warriors for our Nation's Armed Forces
6 Pillars of the USMX Vision
1. Professional Military Education
2. National Pride with Patriotic Service
3. SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and
4. Warrior Ethos
5. Physical Fitness
6. Moral Leadership